FAQ# 1039:

What are the ESC codes to have the printer print in red?


What are the ESC codes to have the printer print in red?


The ESC codes are listed below, please refer to your softwares programing setup for any further question in regards to using the codes:

ESC r n

[Name] Select print color
[Format] ASCII ESC r n
Hex 1B 72 n
Decimal 27 114 n

n Print color
0, 48 Black
1, 49 Red

[Default] n = 0

[Description] Selects a print color, using n as follows:

[Notes] When standard mode is selected, this command is
enabled only when processed at the beginning of the
When page mode is selected, the color setting is the
same for all data collectively printed by FF or ESC FF.

Updated: 12/12/2007 8:57:37 AM JD

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