FAQ# 2284: My scanner's charging cradle didn't come with a power supply! What's the deal?
My scanner's charging cradle didn't come with a power supply! What's the deal?
Don't panic! In many cases, your cradle can be powered through a USB connection alone. If you purchased a charging/communication cradle that uses a USB interface, it often won't come with a power supply since the USB cable will provide enough power to charge the scanner. This is a different story however if you are using a serial (RS232) or keyboard wedge interface for your charging/communications cradle. If you are using one of these, you will need to have a separate power supply to provide power to the scanner. The full kits for these types of cradles will often come with the necessary power supply.
If you have any questions about what you will need for your cordless scanner or want to make sure you are purchasing the correct kit, please give us a call and we can help you find what you need! (800) 903-6571.