FAQ# 2162: My Heron HD3130 is refusing to use solid colors. When I scan it it gives 3 beeps but then still doesn't hold its color?


My Heron HD3130 is refusing to use solid colors. When I scan it it gives 3 beeps but then still doesn't hold its color?


The firmware on the scanner may be out of date. You will need to update the scanner using the Aladin configuration tool and a new firmware file to get it to hold solid colors.

Aladin Configuration: https://posguys.com/download/aladdin-v-1.12.zip

Firmware: https://posguys.com/download/heron-hd3130_610023419.zip

Color Configuration Sheet: https://posguys.com/download/heron_screensaversetting-v1.0.pdf

  1. Install the Aladdin tools on your machine.
  2. Make sure your scanner is plugged in and working
  3. Start the Aladdin software
  4. Select "Search on Connection"
  5. Scan the on-screen barcode and let aladdin find your scanner or specify the connection settings below
  6. Go to Tools > Firmware Upgrade
  7. Navigate to the firmware and then select "Upgrade with USB Cable" and follow the prompts
After your firmware is updated you should be able to scan the color codes on the configuration sheet or select the color you want in the Aladdin software.

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