FAQ# 2337: How do I get my RD6-LCD8 Rear Facing Display to power on?


How do I get my RD6-LCD8 Rear Facing Display to power on?


To turn the powered VGA output ON, proceed with the following steps:

1. Turn the system OFF. ** Please Note: If a USB keyboard is not currently connected to the system, install one before proceeding. **

2. Turn the system ON, while pressing the DELETE key repeatedly, to enter the BIOS Settings.

3. Select the “Advanced” Tab by using the ARROW keys, and pressing the ENTER key to make your selection, then select “Power Configuration COM/VGA Ports”.

4. From the “Power Configuration COM/VGA Ports” menu, select “VGA Power Setting”, and then choose “+12V”.

5. Save and Exit from BIOS Settings by pressing F10. Reboot the computer, and the display should be powered ON now.

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