FAQ# 2416: What do I need to get Terminal Emulation on my MC3300?
What do I need to get Terminal Emulation on my MC3300?
The MC3300AX has versions of the device that are pre-liscened with Terminal Emulation software. If you have a device without it, below is the part number needed for purchase.
Terminal Emulation
- SW-ALLTOUCHTE-AND: Velocity \ All-Touch Terminal Emulation client (powered by Wavelink) for Android And Windows 10.
Support Contracts
- Z1B5-ATOUCH-1000: 1-year software support for All-Touch Terminal Emulation (TE)
- Z1B5-ATOUCH-3000: 3-year software support for All-Touch Terminal Emulation (TE)
- Z1B5-ATOUCH-5000: 5-year software support for All-Touch Terminal Emulation (TE)
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