Command Communications Guest Page System

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Guest Page System Discontinued
The Command Communications Guest Page System has reached end of life.
The Command Communications Guest Page system keeps your guests in contact and eliminates the headache of shouting names, mispronounciations, or accidentaly calling the wrong party to be seated. Simply hand over the coaster pager to the customer, and when their table is ready, alert them via the paging system. The extended range of the coaster pagers allow your guests to step outside or head to the bar, no longer taking up vital space in your waiting area.
Features Supports up to 60 guests
Easy Installation
One Mile Radius
Out of Range Indicator
The Command Communications Guest Pagers are discontinued. We recommend guest paging kits from LRS.
The Command Communications Guest Pagers are discontinued. We recommend guest paging kits from LRS.
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Guest Pager Brochure |