Epson TM-H6000II

TM-H6000II Product Image

The pictures shown are general images for product TM-H6000II and may not be applicable to all part numbers

TM-H6000II Discontinued

The Epson TM-H6000II has reached end of life.

When speed counts, retailers can count on the TM-H6000II for the fastest and most reliable printing of receipts, graphics and validations, in a single compact unit. Designed to deliver the highest throughput and fastest transaction time, the TM-H6000II multifunction printer now brings a new dimension of high-speed printing performance with eye-catching color to the retail environment.

Click here for receipt paper

***Windows Vista Drivers Currently not Available***

Epson TM-H6000II Reviews

POSGuys Rating:

Customer Reviews


Black Ink Ribbon Epson H6000 & U675 Series Printers. 10 Pack.
6-Foot Null Modem Serial Printer Cable (9 to 25 pin): Beige
6-Foot Parallel Printer Cable, DB25M/CENT36M, Beige

Previously Available Accessories