FAQ# 2326: How do you backup the Stock Manager database on Windows?
How do you backup the Stock Manager database on Windows?
Stock Manager Backup
- Plug in flash drive or external hard drive. - Open This PC (Windows 8/10) or Computer (Windows 7). - Open the local disk, C drive. - Open the folder Proxis Software. - Open the folder Stock Manager. - Right click the INVENTORY file (Microsoft Office Access File), select COPY. - Right click on the drive letter for the Flash Drive / External Hard Drive, select PASTE.This should copy the INVENTORY.MDB file from the main Proxis Software folder, and back it up to your location of choice. We recommend using an external source, such as the flash drive / hard drive or using cloud storage.
If using cloud storage, simply replace the last step with uploading the file to your cloud storage of choice.
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