FAQ# 2414: What does my POS-X Ion Bluetooth scanner keep opening a new tab in Google Chrome Web Browser, each time I scan a barcode?


What does my POS-X Ion Bluetooth scanner keep opening a new tab in Google Chrome Web Browser, each time I scan a barcode?


The reason why Google Chrome opens a new tab when scanning a product barcode, has to do with the default programming on the barcode scanner. By default, the scanner sends a Carriage Return (Enter Key) function, as well as a Line Feed function (similar to enter key, but not quite the same), and as this causes issues with Google Chrome because it interprets the Line Feed as a "New Tab" function in the browser.

To resolve this, simply take the Quick Start Guide that came with the scanner, and scan the following 3 barcodes:

* Start Configuration
* Carriage Return Terminator
* End Configuration 

This should correct the New Tab behavior in Chrome, each time a barcode is scanned.

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