Retail Hero Hero Points for RMS
The pictures shown are general images for product Hero Points for RMS and may not be applicable to all part numbers
Hero Points for RMS POS Software
The Retail Hero Hero Points for RMS has reached end of life.
With Retail Hero Hero Points customer loyalty software, you can add a powerful and easy to use customer loyalty system to your Microsoft RMS installation. An add-on for Microsoft RMS, Hero Points gives retailers the ability to establish and fine tune a customer loyalty system, increasing customer retention and improving overall sales.
Hero Points is similar to popular mass customer loyalty systems but gives greater control to the business owner. Rather than pay service charges and fees to a provider who sets your redemption schedule, Hero Points allows you to define the collection and redemption schedule. With Hero Points, you can create bonus collection on products you want to move while keeping the same level on others.
The software runs in the background, tracking sales and customer loyalty earnings. The flexible redemption schedule gives three options for a reward: a transaction discount, a reward item, or a gift item. When a customer's sale is eligible for a redemption, the cashier will be prompted to reward the customer. Hero Points offers any retailer a fantastic tool for increasing customer loyalty and return customers.
- Sample Collection Methods:
- Fixed Point Collection - 1 point per dollar spent
- Variable Collection - 1 point per dollar in one department, 2 in another
- Basket Mode - Points at different transaction amounts
- Bonus Points - Specific items reward time sensitive higher point returns
- Welcome Points - Points added for joining program
- Accelerators - Point multipliers during specific time frames or transaction amounts
- Exceptions - Elimiate certain transactions (layaway, employee purchases, etc.)
- Sample Point Redemption Methods:
- $10 off for 100 points
- Dollar discount applied as a "reward item"
- Percentage off at certain point levels
- Free items at certain point levels
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