FAQ# 2118: How do I use Memory Settings on a printer?
How do I use Memory Settings on a printer?
To change the memory switch settings on an Epson printer, you will first need to run a self test.
- Turn the printer off
- Hold down the FEED button
- Turn the Printer back on while still holding the FEED button.
After the self test print is complete, there should still be a light flashing on the printer. Press and hold the FEED button until it prints again. The next page should be a short menu listing. Those options are the memory switch settings. Most options will be under the 'Customize value settings' menu.
The way the menu selection works is by pressing the FEED button the same number of times as the number next to the option, then pressing and holding the FEED an additional time after that (i.e. to select the 2nd option in the list, you would press the FEED button 2 times and then press and hold it on the third).