FAQ# 2145: Why does the Total for the Sales Summary in the Aldelo Closing Report not match the Total in the Total Payments Received Summary?


Why does the Total for the Sales Summary in the Aldelo Closing Report not match the Total in the Total Payments Received Summary?


The reason those two totals don't balance is because the software assumes that gratuities have been subtracted as cash from the drawer. So the Sub Total in the Sales Summary should match the Total in the Payments Received Summary before it adds in the gratuity to equal the Total.


Sub Total: $3,812.00
Total Gratuities: $448.00
. _________
Total: $4,260.00

Credit Card: $3511.50
Gift Cert: $50.00
Cash: $250.50
. _________
Total: $3,812.00

The total cash sales would actually be $698.50. But the total cash received is reported as $250.50 because the gratuities were subtracted from the total cash, as previously mentioned above.

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