FAQ# 2215: What are 5 easy ways to speed up the check-out process on my register?
What are 5 easy ways to speed up the check-out process on my register?
#5 - Replace impact printers with fast thermal printers. #4 - Add a customer display. #3 - Upgrade to a touchscreen monitor or computer. #2 - Print barcode labels. #1 - Upgrade to a 2D barcode scanner. For more details, please visit our blog post on this topic; Five Easy Upgrades to Make Your Register Faster
This question is associated with products:
POS-X Xp8200
Fully configurable, adjustable height pole display
Zebra DS2208
The Zebra DS2208 is the perfect blend of price and performance, it essentially is a cross between the very affordable LI2208 and performance based DS4308 barcode scanners. This 2D scanner is designed for all types of retail environments and scans very aggressively at all angles, in all light conditions, and on most forms of media including cell phone screens. This scanner was built with future proofing in mind where it can scan both standard UPC Barcodes as well as 2D QR Codes for mobile couponing or customer registration.