FAQ# 1078:
How do I export my Stock Manager inventory to Microsoft Excel?
How do I export my Stock Manager inventory to Microsoft Excel?
Stock Manager exports its inventory to a comma-separated value (.csv) file. Unfortunately, Microsoft Excel's default behavior, when opening a .csv file, is to treat numeric columns as numbers, and in so doing, it removes leading zeroes and converts long numbers to scientific notation. As barcodes are typically long strings of numbers, often with leading zeroes, this presents a problem when it comes to opening your Stock Manager inventory in Excel.
Before we begin, you will need to make sure that you have set Windows Explorer to display file extensions for known file types. You may find directions for this in the Microsoft knowledge base. After you have done that, follow these steps to open your file in Microsoft Excel:
Export your inventory to a .csv file. To do this, in Stock Manager, click File, point to Export Inventory, and click Full File. Select a location, then click Save.
Locate your file in Windows Explorer. Right-click on the file, then select Rename.
Highlight the portion of the file name which says csv and press Backspace. Type txt, then press Enter.
Open Microsoft Excel. Hold Ctrl and press O to open a new file, and select the location and file you have just renamed.
Note: You will likely need to select All Files (*.*) from the drop-down menu to the right of the File Name field before you are able to locate your inventory file. -
Click Next.
Click to check Comma and then click Next.
Select the left-most column under Data preview, then select Text under Column data format. Click Finish.
Your file should now be successfully imported into Microsoft Excel, without any loss of integrity in your item number field.