FAQ# 2135: Can I configure an ID Tech, POS-X or Magtek MSR (Magnetic Stripe Reader) on a Mac based operating system?
Can I configure an ID Tech, POS-X or Magtek MSR (Magnetic Stripe Reader) on a Mac based operating system?
Unfortunately, a majority of MSRs will need to be configured using the MSR configuration utility while on a Windows based operating system. Once the device has been setup/configured on the Windows device, then you can migrate the device over to a Mac for further use.
This question is associated with products:
ID Tech Omni Heavy Duty
Omni Heavy Duty Slot Reader
ID Tech MiniMag
MiniMag Swipe Reader
MagTek Mini-Wedge
Magstripe Mini Swipe Reader
MagTek Mag-Wedge
MagWedge Full-Size Swipe Reader
POS-X Xm95
3-Track MSR with advanced data formatting