FAQ# 2172: Can you create estimates/quotes in Cash Register Express?
Can you create estimates/quotes in Cash Register Express?
While CRE does not have an estimates or quotes feature per say, the newest releases of Cash Register Express do have a feature built in, called Dockets. With dockets, you are able to print out an invoice of rung up items, minus the costs, and print that out for your customer. Unfortunately, at this time, the only way to get prices to show up within the docket, is to hand write in the cost.
In order to get to the Docket section, you will need to log into Cash Register Express. Once logged in, and you have items that have been rung up, open up your Options Menu. Now, within the Options menu, select the Cashier field. Here you can then select the Dockets feature, providing you have items rung up as if you were about to do a transaction. The Docket will print out as a full sized invoice in an 8 1/2 x 11 format, with the Item Number, Description, and Invoice #, minus the cost amounts.
Once you have printed off your docket, you can void the transaction if the customer is not interested in purchasing anything at that time.