FAQ# 2200: I'm using a USB Star Micronics TSP100 with my Square Stand, why isn't it getting power?
I'm using a USB Star Micronics TSP100 with my Square Stand, why isn't it getting power?
In order to use a USB Star Micronics printer with the Square stand, both the printer and the stand need to be plugged into power. If the printer is plugged in, but the adapter for the stand is not, the printer wont work and some models may not even power on until it is.
This question is associated with products:
Star Micronics TSP100III
Highest marks on the TSP100III because of the multi-platform adoption and performance. This printer works with Windows, does Star and Epson emulations (set in driver), but the ethernet version is the most commonly used printer with iOS point of sale applications (Star, Shopkeep, Aldelo Touch). Along with it's 10+ ips print speed it is a great overall printer that will fit most point of sale printing needs.
POSGuys.com Square Stand POS Kit
The Square Stand point of sale kit leaves the guess work out of purchasing compatible hardware that is reliable and looks fantastic with the Square Stand. These kits are designed for customers who need every part to just a few pieces to make a complete Square Stand register.