POSGuys Free Inventory Management Tool
Are you a small business owner looking for a free inventory management solution you can use on any device with little to no setup? You’re in luck. We get calls from tons of customers looking for the same thing. So we created a free inventory management tool using Google Sheets that you can get up and running from any device with no technical experience necessary. All you need to get started is a Google Account, a smartphone or computer, and a few minutes of your time.
To get started, click the button below to get access to the Google Drive folder with the inventory tracking template. When you're ready, watch the video above to learn how to setup the tool and add new items.
Please Note: This application is built for people with really simple inventory management needs who aren’t going to be managing hundreds of different parts and won't be issuing dozens of purchase orders on a daily basis. If you need software to meet those needs, our Proxis Stock Manager or RedBeam Asset Tracking might be closer to what you’re looking for. Feel free to give us a call if you're unsure which software meets your needs best.
This solution works best when used with a mobile computer that has an integrated scan engine. Our recommendation would be the Zebra TC21/TC26. The TC26 is cellular-equipped and thus is best if you don't have a WiFi connection at your location.