Receipt Printers and Swapping Interfaces
- 2/26/2018
Receipt Printers and Swapping Interfaces ----------------------------------------- There may come a time where you have the printer you want but the interface on that printer does not match. Maybe you've upgraded your computer or you've accidentally ordered a Serial interface when you needed a USB interface. Here is a list of popular printer models and their matching swap-able interface options if available. Many interface cards will be special order and may take weeks to receive if they are still available. ![enter image description here][1][400][300] Printers with Swappable Interfaces ================================== ***[Epson][2]*** *The [UB-E04][3] Ethernet Interface card works with -* TM-T88V, TM-T88IV, TM-T70II, TM-L90, TM-U220, TM-U330, TM-U675, TM-H6000IV, TM-H2000 *The UB-R04 Wireless Interface card works with -* TM-H6000, TM-T70, TM-T88, TM-T88III, TM-T88IV, TM-T88V, TM-U200, TM-U220, TM-U230, TM-U325, TM-U590, TM-U675 *The [UB-S01][4] Serial Interface card works with -* TM-H6000, TM-T70, TM-T88, TM-T88III, TM-T88IV, TM-T88V, TM-U200, TM-U220, TM-U230, TM-U325, TM-U590, TM-U675 *The UB-P02II Parallel Interface card works with -* TM-H6000, TM-T70, TM-T88, TM-T88III, TM-T88IV, TM-T88V, TM-U200, TM-U220, TM-U230, TM-U325, TM-U590, TM-U675 *The [UB-U03II][5] USB Interface card work with -* TM-H6000, TM-T70, TM-T88, TM-T88III, TM-U200, TM-U220, TM-U230, TM-U325, TM-U375, TM-U590, TM-U675 [**STAR**][6] The Following printers have swappable interfaces - TSP650 & TSP650II Series - serial, USB, Ethernet swappable; Bluetooth or WiFi is fixed SP700 & TSP700II Series - serial, USB, Ethernet, parallel swappable SP500 Series - serial, USB, Ethernet, parallel swappable Please note that the TSP100 Series, a very popular Star Brand series, *does not* have a swappable interface. [**POS-X**][7] Swappable interface options - EVO Impact - USB, Serial, Parallel, and Ethernet EVO HiSpeed - USB. Swappable cards for Parallel, Serial, and Ethernet Non-swappable. EVO Green - USB, Serial, and Ethernet. ION Thermal - USB. ION Thermal 2 - USB, Serial, and Ethernet. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]:
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