Card Printer Buying Tip - Customer Service
Camille Meehan
- 12/19/2014
<h1>2 Quick Card Printer Buying Tips</h1> <p>Tip 1: <em>Before you invest in an expensive (yet wonderful) card printer call the manufacturer support line to check the wait time and quality of the support employees.</em> Look for a kind team that will do their best to help you get over any of the bumps along the way.</p> <p>Tip 2: In my experience it is an excellent idea to use software and hardware from the same manufacturer. If you are buying X-Manufacturer's printer also buy X-Manufacturer's software. This will allow the support team to test and troubleshoot any problems you may have.</p> <p><b>Full Disclosure</b>: I wrote this post while on the phone with X and Y manufacturers for over an hour. The support teams were helpful in both cases but hold times are too long.</p> <p> does sell card printers but we don't list them on our website. The basic reason for this is security, we don't want to sell a card printer to a customer without first verifying that they are a legitimate business in need of card printing. Feel free to give sales a call at 1-800-903-6571 or email <a href="" title="Email POSGuys Sales Team"></a>. Tell them I sent you, it makes me look good! <i>(I don't take sales calls, I print! I promise they are all equally wonderful people. You are in good hands.)</i></p> <br><br><br> <i>Camille Meehan, POSLady since 2011, is the Mistress of Card Printing at She rules over the card printers with an iron fist, a BA in design, and over eight years print/design experience. Note: Camille would love to be able to place EPS or AI files directly into her card printing software. Vector printing would be dreamy.</i>
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