Our Most Popular Cards (and why they can increase sales!)
Camille Meehan
- 9/17/2014
<p>Increase loyalty and gain new customers by providing customers with the option to buy gift cards. There is a reason large businesses like Olive Garden, Wal-Mart or Starbucks all offer their own cards, it makes them more money than they would have otherwise. According to <a href="http://www.giftcardgranny.com/statistics/" target="_blank" title="Gift Card Granny - Discount Gift Cards">Gift Card Granny</a> the average gift card user spends an additional 20% beyond the value of the card at their shopping trip. Additionally retailers who switch from paper gift certificates to plastic gift cards typically see a 50-100% increase in gift sales.</p> <p>So what exactly is a gift card? At its simplest a gift card is just a creative way of tracking a number. A way to associate a certain card holder with a certain amount of funds. Easy right? Add a colorful logo, some clever design and voila you have an eye catching, money making, advertisement which your customers will excitedly share to interested future patrons! All this hinges on your business being awesome of course. Are you going to tell me your business isn't awesome?</p> <p>Think that gift cards are only for the big box stores and chain restaurants? Think again, POSGuys gift cards are a flexible way to get started. We print runs as low as 50 cards allowing your business to try out a new marketing strategy without breaking the bank. Read on to learn some quick tips on the most popular POSGuys cards.</p> <img src="https://posguys.blob.core.windows.net/content/images/blog/51150/logo_gift_ph_800_600.png" alt="Gift Card with Logo" style="min-width: 200px; width: 33%;" /> <h2>Most Popular Gift Card: "Gift Card Design 8 – Logo Card"</h2> <p>I realize that "Gift Card Design 8 – Logo Card" isn't a very exciting name but this is hands down our most popular card. There are a wide variety of colors and finishes available, you can see the product details here <a href="http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/Gift-Card-Design-8-Logo-Card_871/" title="Our most popular gift card">http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/Gift-Card-Design-8-Logo-Card_871/</a>. Why do I love this card? <em>The logo card is simple yet versatile. Email us your logo and fill out the info form with your card order information and we set it up for you.</em> We design the card and email you a proof. Want the logo but no text? Great we can make that logo larger! Want a fourth line with your phone number on it? No problem. Does your logo match the text at the bottom or should we make it an elegant script typeface? We are real people setting up your gift card, talk to us and we will listen.</p> <img src="https://posguys.blob.core.windows.net/content/images/blog/51150/pg-logo-loyalty-card2_560_420.png" alt="Loyalty Card with Logo" style="min-width: 200px; width: 33%;" /> <h2>Most Popular Loyalty Card: "Customer Loyalty Design 5 – Logo Card"</h2> <p>You can see our creative naming skills at work here. Despite the generic name this is our most popular loyalty card. Perhaps we should change it to "Dream Loyalty Card" or something with a bit more <i>pizazz</i>. Here is the link to the details <a href="http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/Customer-Loyalty-Design-5-Logo-Card_872/" title="Our most popular loyalty card.">http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/Customer-Loyalty-Design-5-Logo-Card_872/</a>. The things that make our most popular gift card great also apply to this loyalty card. We place your logo in the perfect place, add in the text of your dreams, and follow your specifications for numbering so that you can increase brand loyalty and reward your frequent shoppers. Now is a good time to mention that our cards are made of 30mil PVC so that they don't bend or fray on the edges over time. Did I mention that we set up the card for you and email a proof? No? Well we do and we strive to make it look fantastic for you, no design work on your part required.</p> <img src="https://posguys.blob.core.windows.net/content/images/blog/51150/employee_v1_800_600.png" alt="Loyalty Card with Logo" style="min-width: 200px; width: 33%;" /> <h2>Most Popular Employee Card: "Employee Card Design 2"</h2> <p>This is the most affordable option from the Employee tracking card section. Which coincidentally makes it exceptionally popular. Basic design and ease of use make this card ideal for day to day employee check in and out no matter your business. Unlike the two logo cards mentioned above there isn't any customization on this card. What you see is what you get but you get it at a great price! All of our cards can be hole punched for a small additional fee, fantastic if you want to use lanyards. You can upgrade to colored cards or different colored ribbons but most of our customers are happy with the black and white. Check out the details here <a href="http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/Employee-Card-Design-2_866/" title="Our most popular Employee Card">http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/Employee-Card-Design-2_866/</a>. For those wanting a unique design take a look at the Employee Card Design 3 which features YOUR logo. </p> <img src="https://posguys.blob.core.windows.net/content/images/blog/51150/keychaincard_front_800_600.png" style="min-width: 200px; width: 33%;" /> <h2>Most Popular Keychain Card: "POSGuys.com Keychain Cards 3-Up Standard"</h2> <p>Our most affordable and most popular keychain card. We take great pride in our literal names! Actually in this case the name is a bit confusing. The 3-Up in the name means that you get a card with three keychain tags on it with perforations in between them for easy snapping apart. You can see the details here, <a href="http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/POSGuys-com-Keychain-Cards-3-Up-Standard_937/" title="Our most popular keychains">http://posguys.com/card-printing_60/POSGuys-com-Keychain-Cards-3-Up-Standard_937/</a>The benefit of our 3-Up keychains over the competition? 30mil PVC plastic. These cards do not fray or begin to split apart over time. The hole for the keychain doesn't wear out and tear either. My favorite thing about the keychain is the convenience factor. Keychains are compact and easily hook on to an item that is used every single day. They can easily become a part of everyday life. The only limitation to be aware of when ordering is that keychains are only 2.12"W x 1.13"H. That isn't much space for text. Select your words carefully for maximum legibility. Auto repair shops, gyms, churches and coffee shops are just some of the many enterprises that leverage our keychains to improve organization and loyalty.</p> <p>Those were the most popular options. I hope my tips help. I already said it once but I'll say it again, gift cards are a great way to increase sales, loyalty and find new customers. If your software can process gift cards it is well worth the effort of reaching out to a card printer. One location or 10 locations we can help you create your elegant, modern, hip, fun, classic, engaging, dream card. Give POSGuys a call at 800-903-6571, tell them Camille sent you!</p> <br><br> <p><i>Camille Meehan, POSLady since 2011, is the Mistress of Card Printing at POSGuys.com. She rules over the card printers with an iron fist, a BA in design, and over seven years print/design experience.</i></p>
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