What Does Tech Need to Help Us Help You
- 6/9/2016
Our Tech Support Department is here to provide [Live Technical Support][1] for hardware and software on most orders. We strive to support everything we sell and go through extensive training with the different hardware and software manufacturers to make sure we understand in ins and outs of the point of sale and auto-id industries. There are a few items that will help us help you. An Order Number. We keep extensive notes on any support given to you so it helps us when we can find you in our system. Our order numbers start with PG and then numeric numbers after that. If you do not have your order numbers then a company name, the name of the person who placed the order, or a phone number can all be used to lookup your order. Serial Numbers. If you are dealing with a defective item then we may have to start a repair for you with the manufacturer in this case a serial number is always required. We do record serial numbers as we ship out items but if there are multiple items on the order then we don't always know what serial number will go with what item. An Internet Connection. Often times the most simple way for our support representatives to assist you is by remoting into your computer and verifying that everything is installed and configured correctly. We can only do this if we have a stable high speed internet connection. Pictures. If your issue is related to how to connect something or assembling hardware then often times a picture is the best way to show our tech what the issue is. Often times when working with legacy serial and ps2 connections we can identify special cables or what kind of interface you have by looking at a picture. You can email pictures to our general email address, [support@posguys.com][2]. If you are already working with a support technician please specify their name in the email. In addition to our phone and email support we are building up a list of our most [commonly asked questions][3]. Our FAQ is available at [https://posguys.com/faq/][4] we add entries weekly on hardware and software. You can also check out our youtube channel and the "Ask The Guys" section for in depth tutorials on commonly asked questions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqdQNJvRwL4PbqEgyNRFF7Icqj2_W1hfk <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLqdQNJvRwL4PbqEgyNRFF7Icqj2_W1hfk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <br> Our support hours are Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM PST. We answer all calls in the order that they are received. [1]: https://posguys.com/support.asp [2]: http://mailto:support@posguys.com [3]: https://posguys.com/faq/ [4]: https://posguys.com/faq/
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