FAQ# 2252:

Which hardware can I use with Jonas Club Software.


Which hardware can I use with Jonas Club Software.


Credit card processing icon

The information on this page is no longer valid or up to date. Click below for an updated listing

We have updated our Jonas Club Software based off of their latest compatibility guide. The following page puts all of their POS Hardware in one place for convenience.

Jonas recommends the following products for use with the newest versions of their club software:

Receipt Printers

Kitchen / Bar Printers

Barcode / Label Printers

Jonas recommends direct thermal printers for labeling

Pole Display / Customer Display

Any USB unit that creates a COM port during installation will work for Jonas Club Software. The Logic Controls PDX3000U USB model has been tested and confirmed to work.

Magnetic Strip Readers (MSR) / Card Readers

"Jonas supports different kinds of card swipes to read member cards, staff cards and or credit cards. In order for Jonas to work, these readers must be set to 'Keyboard Emulation' or similar."
Below are a couple of the most popular card readers for 3-track stripe reading.

Cash Drawers

Any printer-driven cash drawer will work as long as it has the necessary interface cable to connect to the receipt printer that you are using. Below are some popular printer driven cash drawers:

Barcode Scanners

"If the scanner scans a barcode into Notepad, it will work with Jonas. It may just require a bit of set up. If that is the case, contact Jonas support". Some popular USB scanners are listed below:

Source: Jonas Club Management Hardware Recommendations (April 2018 revision)

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